Bad Presidents And What Went Wrong
Jackson created a terrible economic depression by killing rather than reforming the national bank. Then he ignored the supreme court to oppress some Indians. Jackson screwed over the Cherokee in particular. They had lived like "whites" for over a hundred years. Jackson — forget about genocide for a moment; his hostility toward the Bank of the United States also played a critical role in making slavery economically viable, and thereby helped set up Dred Scott . And let’s not forget who appointed the largest number of the justices who decided Dred Scott .
Probably best known today for his famous insult to Native Americans. He was quoted as saying, “The only good Indian is a dead Indian.” His hatred of Native Americans was, at the time, applauded by the common people. Jackson had a temper problem, and would call out anyone who pissed him off. That's not being a hardass - that's having a super thin skin.
Lincoln lead us into a civil war that killed 600,000 & radically changed our form of governance, but is considered one of our greatest presidents. Lincoln had several well organized, well thought out plots against him and only one succeeded and only succeeded in a half assed way come to find out. Lincoln and Washington's birthdays--yes, indeed. But observe them ON their birthdays--we don't need the shopping day.
Buchanan was the Democratic candidate and went on to win the election when Pierce was not offered the nomination in 1856. He and his alleged homosexual relationship with Buchanan will be the subject of another post. Buchanan rejected slavery as an indefensible evil but, like the majority of his party, refused to challenge it. In his inaugural address, the 15th president tacitly encouraged the Supreme Court’s forthcoming Dred Scott decision, which ruled that Congress had no power to keep slavery out of the territories.
Bush's debt can be blamed on the justified and almost forgotten Afghan war, and the ill-conceived Iraqi war and occupation. Now, years later, with a so called booming economy, per the mantra of tax cutting logic the debt ratio should be going down. Bush to the devil, a comparison that even Mr. Bush’s detractors found excessive if not offensive. Bush’s government has not only spent billions but gotten so little in return: Iraq is endless, Afghanistan is worsening, our deficit is exploding, our national debt breaking records, and grocery prices soar along with job losses. Bush as invisible – negative returns on lost “capital” doom not just Wall Street banks but a presidential legacy and the Republican Party brand.
U.S.A First Black President
Barack Obama gained much of his early traction by speaking out against the war in Iraq. He cites his initial opposition to the war as the crown-jewel example of his judgment on foreign affairs. Barack Obama is a real good speaker, what else do people REALLY KNOW about him, well, other than Opera calling him "the chosen one". Obama was a jr. Barack Obama is a multiracial American politician, though he refers to himself as African-American. He served as Democratic state senator in Illinois, and then as US Senator from that state.
Barack Obama is the man who can bring us together. It will be so encouraging to have a man in office I can actually admire and trust. Barack Obama goes to church every morning. He goes to church every afternoon. Barack Obama believes that the United States needs a strong space program to help maintain its superiority not only in space, but also here on earth in the realms of education, technology, and national security. Over the years, NASA technology has been applied to improve everything from computers and medical technology to baby formula and automobiles.
Barack Obama and the democrats are your best hope of doing that now. Tell your family, friends, and everyone you know to support them as best they can. Barack Obama missed 314 (24%) of 1299 votes since Jan 6, 2005. The graph to the left shows the number of missed votes over time. Barack Obama has been working on his speaking for years and years, discovering through trial and error what kinds of approaches work. It’s not a surprise, therefore, that Obama has happened upon some useful techniques in being persuasive.